Thursday, June 11, 2009
Monday, June 8, 2009
Healing Prayers for a Bodhisattva
Sunday, June 7, 2009
The Emptiness of Emptiness

As for "the emptiness of emptiness," it refers to employing emptiness to demolish emptiness of the subject, emptiness of the object, and emptiness of both the subject and the object. It is on account of its demolishing of these three kinds of emptiness that it is referred to as the emptiness of emptiness.
Another way of stating this is that, having first employed the emptiness of dharmas to demolish [all] subject- related and object-related dharmas, one then employs this emptiness to demolish these three [resultant] varieties of emptiness. This is what is meant by the emptiness of emptiness.
Then again, [one may also say that] in the emptiness samadhi one contemplates the five aggregates as being empty and thereby achieves the realization of the eightfold path of the arya, the cutting off all afflictions and the gaining of the nirvana.na with residue. When that bodily life produced from the karmic causes and conditions of previous lives draws to an end, because one then desires to set aside [even] the eightfold path one then brings forth the samadhi of the emptiness of emptiness. This is what is meant by the emptiness of emptiness.
Question: What are the differences between emptiness and the emptiness of emptiness?
Reply: Emptiness demolishes the five appropriated aggregates. The emptiness of emptiness demolishes emptiness.
Question: If "emptiness" [here] refers to the emptiness of dharmas, they have already been demolished. If it is not the case that "emptiness" refers to the emptiness of dharmas, what is it that it demolishes?
Reply: Emptiness demolishes all dharmas so that the only thing which abides is emptiness. After emptiness has already demolished all dharmas, emptiness itself should also be set aside. It is on account of this that we require this "emptiness of emptiness."
Then again, whereas emptiness conditions all dharmas, the emptiness of emptiness conditions only emptiness.
"Champion" & "Dispensing With Medicine" Analogies:
This is also analogous to taking medicine. Medicine is able to overcome disease, but once the disease has been overcome, one ought to dispense with the medicine. If the medicine is not dispensed with, then yet another pathology manifests thereby. Although emptiness is able to
cure the disease of the afflictions, still, because it is to be feared that emptiness itself may develop into yet another disorder, one employs emptiness to dispense with emptiness. This is what is meant by the emptiness of emptiness.
End Notes:
This is the fourth of the "Eighteen Emptinesses" the discussion of which
comprises the whole of fascicle 31.
Nagarjuna refers here to the first three emptinesses which he just finished discussing at length in the initial section of "Eighteen Emptiness." As you missed the discussion, it is only fair to point out that these three emptinesses refer basically to the emptiness of the "self," the emptiness of all that belongs to the objective sphere (including, obviously, "others"), and the emptiness of everything which relates to both.
Copyright © 2000. Bhikshu Dharmamitra. All rights reserved.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Amitabha Sutra

Translated from the Chinese Version of Kumarajiva by Nishu Utsuki
The Educational Department of the West Hongwanji
Kyoto, Japan: 1924
Public Domain.
2. Then the Buddha addressed Shariputra, the elder, and said, 'Beyond a hundred thousand kotis of Buddha-lands westwards from here, there is a world named Sukhavati. In that world there is a Buddha, Amita(-ayus) by name, now dwelling and preaching the law. Shariputra, why is that country named Sukhavati? The living beings in that country have no pains, but receive pleasures only. Therefore, it is called Sukhavati.
3. 'Again, Shariputra, in the land Sukhavati (there are) seven rows of balustrades, seven rows of fine nets, and seven rows of arrayed trees; they are all of four gems and surround and enclose (the land). For this reason the land is called Sukhavati.
4, 'Again, Shariputra, in the land Sukhavati there are lakes of the seven gems, in which is filled water with the eight meritorious qualities. The lake-bases are strewn with golden sand, and the stairs of the four sides are made of gold, silver, beryl, and crystal. On land there are stories and galleries adorned with gold, silver, beryl, crystal, white coral, red pearl and diamond [lit. agate]. The lotus-flowers in the lakes, large as chariot wheels, are blue-colored with blue splendor, yellow-colored with yellow splendor, red-colored with red splendor, white-colored with white splendor, and (they are all) the most exquisite and purely fragrant. Shariputra, the land Sukhavati is arrayed with such good qualities and adornments.
5. 'Again, Shariputra, in that Buddha-land there are heavenly musical instruments always played on; gold is spread on the ground; and six times every day and night it showers Mandarava blossoms. Usually in the serene morning lit. dawn] all of those who live in that land fill their plates with those wonderful blossoms, and (go to) make offering to a hundred thousand kotis of Buddhas of other regions; and at the time of the meal they come back to their own country, and take their meal and have a walk. Shariputra, the Sukhavati land is arrayed with such good qualities and adornments.
6. 'And again, Shariputra, in that country there are always various wonderful birds of different colors, -- swan, peacock, parrot, Chari, Kalavinka and the bird of double-heads [lit. double-lives]. Six times every day and night all those birds sing in melodious tune, and that tune proclaims the Five Virtues [lit. organs], the Five powers, the Seven Bodhi-paths, the Eight Noble Truths, and other laws of the kind. The living beings in that land, having heard that singing, all invoke the Buddha, invoke the Dharma, and invoke the Sangha. Shariputra, you should not think that these birds are in fact born as punishment for sin. What is the reason? (Because), in that Buddha-land there exist not the Three Evil Realms. Shariputra, in that Buddha-land there are not (to be heard) even the names of the Three Evil Realms. How could there be the realms themselves! All those birds are what Buddha Amitayus miraculously created with the desire to let them spread the voice of the Law.
Shariputra, (when) in that Buddha-land a gentle breeze happens to blow, the precious trees in rows and the begemmed nets emit a delicate enrapturing tune, and it is just as if a hundred thousand musical instruments played at the same time. Everybody who hears that music naturally conceives the thought to invoke the Buddha, to invoke the Dharma, and to invoke the Sangha. Shariputra, that Buddha-land is arrayed with such good qualities and adornments.
7. 'Shariputra, what do you think in your mind, for what reason that Buddha is called Amita(-abha)? Shariputra, the light of that Buddha is boundless and shining without impediments all over the countries of the ten quarters. Therefore he is called Amita(-abha). Again, Shariputra, the life of that Buddha and of his people is endless and boundless in Asamkhya-kalpas, so he is named Amita(-ayus). Shariputra, since Buddha Amitayus attained Buddhahood, (it has passed) now ten Kalpas. Again, Shariputra, that Buddha has numerous Shravakas or disciples, who are all Arhats and whose number cannot be known by (ordinary) calculation. (The number of) Bodhisattvas (cannot be known) also. Shariputra, that Buddha-land is arrayed with such good qualities and adornments.
8. 'Again, Shariputra, the beings born in the land Sukhavati are all Avinivartaniya. Among them is a multitude of beings bound to one birth only; and their number, being extremely large, cannot be expressed by (ordinary) calculation. Only can it be mentioned in boundless Asamkhya-kalpas. Shariputra, the sentient beings who hear (this account) ought to put up their prayer that they may be born into that country; for they will be able to be in the same place together with those noble personages. Shariputra, by means of small good works [lit. roots] or virtues no one can be born in that country.
9. 'Shariputra, if there be a good man or a good woman, who, on hearing of Buddha Amitayus, keeps his name (in mind) with thoughts undisturbed for one day, two days, three days, four days, five days, six days, or seven days, that person, when about to die, (will see) Amitayus Buddha accompanied by his holy host appear before him; and immediately after his death, he with his mind undisturbed can be born into the Sukhavati land of Buddha Amitayus. Shariputra, as I witness this benefit, I say these words; Every being who listens to this preaching ought to offer up prayer with the desire to be born into that country.
10. 'Shariputra, as I now glorify the inconceivable excellences of Amitayus Buddha, there are also in the Eastern quarters Buddha Akshobhya, Buddha Merudhvaja, Buddha Mahameru, Buddha Meruprabhasa, Buddha Manjughosha, and Buddhas as many as the sands of the River Ganga, each of whom, in his own country stretching out his long broad tongue that covers three thousand greater worlds completely, proclaims these truthful words; All you sentient beings believe in this Sutra, which is approved and protected by all the Buddhas, and in which are glorified the inconceivable excellences (of Buddha Amitayus).
11. 'Shariputra, in the Southern worlds there are Buddha Candrasuryapradipa, Buddha Yacahprabha, Buddha Maharciskandha, Buddha Merupradipa, Buddha Anantavirya, and Buddhas as many as the sands of the River Ganga, each of whom, in his own country stretching out his long broad tongue that covers three thousand greater worlds completely, proclaims these truthful words: All you sentient beings believe in this Sutra, which is approved and protected by all the Buddhas, and in which are glorified the inconceivable excellences (of Buddha Amitayus).
12. 'Shariputra, in the Western worlds there are Buddha Amitayus, Buddha Amitalakshana, Buddha Amitadhvaja, Buddha Mahaprabha, Buddha Mahanirbhasa, Buddha Ratnala kshana, Buddha Shuddharashmiprabha, and Buddhas as many as the sands of the River Ganga, each of whom, in his own country stretching out his long broad tongue that covers three thousand greater worlds completely, proclaims these truthful words: All you sentient beings believe in this Sutra, which is approved and protected by all the Buddhas, and in which are glorified the inconceivable excellences (of Buddha Amitayus).
13. 'Shariputra, in the Northern worlds there are Buddha Arciskandha, Buddha Vaishvanaranirghosha, Buddha Dushpradharsha, Buddha Adityasambhava, Buddha Jaliniprabha, and Buddhas as many as the sands of the River Ganga, each of whom, in his own country stretching out his long broad tongue that covers three thousand greater worlds completely, proclaims these truthful words: All you sentient beings believe in this Sutra, which is approved and protected by all the Buddhas, and in which are glorified the inconceivable excellences (of Buddha Amitayus).
14. 'Shariputra, in the Nadir worlds there are Buddha Simha, Buddha Yacas, Buddha Yashaprabhava, Buddha Dharma, Buddha Dharmadhvaja, Buddha Dharmadhara, and Buddhas as many as the sands of the River Ganga, each of whom, in his own country stretching out his long broad tongue that covers three thousand greater worlds completely, proclaims these truthful words: All you sentient beings believe in this Sutra, which is approved and protected by all the Buddhas, and in which are glorified the inconceivable excellences (of Buddha Amitayus).
15. 'Shariputra, in the Zenith words there are Buddha Brahmaghosha, Buddha Nakshatraraja, Buddha Gandhottama, Buddha Gandhaprabhasa, Buddha Maharciskandha, Buddha Ratnakusumasampushpitagatra, Buddha Salendraraja, Buddha Ratnotpalashri, Buddha Sarvarthadarsha, Buddha Sumerukalpa, and Buddhas as many as the sands of the River Ganges^1, each of whom, in his own country stretching out his long broad tongue that covers three thousand greater worlds completely, proclaims these truthful words: All you sentient beings believe in this Sutra, which is approved and protected by all the Buddhas, and in which are glorified the inconceivable excellences (of Buddha Amitayus).
16. 'Shariputra, what do you think in your mind, why it is called the Sutra approved and protected by all the Buddhas? Shariputra, if there be a good man or a good woman who listens to those Buddhas' invocation of the name (of Buddha Amitayus) and the name of this Sutra, that good man or woman will be protected by all the Buddhas and never fail to attain Anuttara-samyaksambodhi. For this reason, Shariputra, all of you should believe in my words and in what all the Buddhas proclaim. Shariputra, if there are men who have already made, are now making, or shall make, prayer with the desire to be born in the land of Buddha Amitayus, they never fail to attain Anuttara-samyaksambodhi, and have been born, are now being born, or shall be born in that country. Therefore, Shariputra, a good man or good woman who has the faith ought to offer up prayers to be born in that land.
17. 'Shariputra, as I am now praising the inconceivable excellences of those Buddhas, so all those Buddhas are magnifying the inconceivable excellences of myself, saying these words: Shakyamuni, the Buddha, has successfully achieved a rare thing of extreme difficulty; he has attained Anuttara-samyaksambodhi in the Saha world in the evil period of five corruptions -- Corruption of Kalpa, Corruption of Belief, Corruption of Passions, Corruption of Living Beings, and Corruption of Life; and for the sake of all the sentient beings he is preaching the Law which is not easy to accept. Shariputra, you must see that in the midst of this evil world of five corruptions I have achieved this difficult thing of attaining Anuttara-samyaksambodhi, and for the benefit of all the beings I am preaching the Law which is difficult to be accepted. This is how it is esteemed as (a thing of) extreme difficulty.'
The Buddha having preached this Sutra, Shariputra and Bhikshus, and Devas, men, Asuras, etc., of all the worlds, who have listened to the Buddha's preaching, believed and accepted with joy, made worship, and went away.
Introduction to the Practice of Amitayus

(Dhyani Buddhas of the SAMBHOGAKAYA) He comes seated in the lotus pose, in vibrant vermilion red light, adorned with the jewels worn by the Celestial Buddhas of the sky.
(Body of Celestial Bliss) He is in the state of Illumination, symbolized by the Buddha Palace, the walls of which are made of five rare and precious stones.
(praising him):
(Seed syllable) HRIH HRIH HRIH
In this world our greatest savior is the Buddha Amitayus (or TSE PAG MED). He removes all the dangers of untimely death. Help of the helpless, who comes to our aid when we have no protector against suffering. TO THE BUDDHA OF LIMITLESS LIFE I BOW DOWN.
(May you have an immortal life)
Repeat the Mantras of the Buddha of Limitless life -Amitayus morning and evening.
1. The long Mantra which if heard even once can deliver beings from suffering:
2. If there is no time to use the long mantra, you can say the inner mantra:
3. Then comes the essential Mantra, the central Mantra of the single Buddha Amitayus (Tsepagmed) which can be recited daily and counted on the Mala (rosary) 100,000 times.
Amitayus: amita yus, infinite life
aparimita: unlimited
jñāna: in knowledge
Om (A U M): means oneness with the Supreme, the merging of the physical being with the spiritual. The most sacred syllable, the first sound of Almighty. This scared syllable appears as a mystic sound, regarded as the basis of every other mantra. It is the sound not only of origination but also for dissolution. The past, present and future are included in this one sound and even all that transcends this configuration of time is also implied in OM.
puṇye: in pious activities
Tathágata: the 'exalted one', an epithet for a Buddha. Literally, the one who has 'thus(tatha) come(gate)', or 'thus gone'.
Friday, June 5, 2009
The Personification of Wisdom

Link for a Manjushri Sadhana called:
By Venerable Thubten Chodron